
Showing posts from November, 2020

Clay Landscape Developed

 After my first attempt at using emulsion to transfer my images onto clay wasn't very successful I decided to try again. I tried the technique again onto of what was left over from before. This was a lot more successful than last time. However you can not really make out what the images are of. So although there is colour on the clay now the actual details of the landscape are not visible. I am glad that this was more successful however it still didn't work out as great as I had hoped. I still think using clay could be successful but I am going to try to go a different way about it. Maybe projecting onto clay instead.

New Collages

After looking at the three previous artists I made some new collages. I tried to keep it quite simple and kind of base it off the basics of the other artists. I combined some of their ideas to make new work. I do like how they have turned out but I am not sure if I want to carry on this style. Maybe if I can find something that is similar but slightly more subtle it would work better for what I am trying to achieve.  

Sarah Eisenlohr

 Eisenlohr is another collage artist, she combines lots of different elects in her work to produce successful and interesting outcomes. She mixes landscapes photos with portrait images and as well as playing with perspective she also combines colour images with black and white. Eisenlohrs work seems to be on the other end go the spectrum to Ginigers. I really like both of their work. I haven't really put people in my images as I do want to focus on landscape photography however it wouldn't harm to try. I like the idea of mixing black and white images with colour images, I think that I never thought of this because I wanted to keep my landscapes realistic however, this could be a good way to make sure that there is a tell that they are fake. Even if this elects was subtle I do think it would be interesting to mix the colours.

Noa Giniger

 Noa Giniger is another collage artist. Instead of using multiple images, Giniger takes one photo and isolates a section. This section then becomes dissociated from the rest of the image but it is then given a new meaning. The object seems to become the main focal point and it almost becomes two images in one. These pieces of work are simple yet very effective. I like that each image has its own colour palette, the colours are quite simple. These images are not over complicated, they're kept simple but are very effective. I really like this work however I do want to keep my images quite realistic, looking at Ginigers work has reminded me to keep it simple. My work doesn't have to be too complicated for it to look good.

Jesse Treece

Treece is a collage artist who's work combines both landscape photography and portraiture. His collages have elements of objects, people and landscape making for some interesting work. The perspectives of each element are different making the outcome of the image something you can stare at for ages, mesmerised by what you see. Treece physically makes his collages, which is something I don't really do, I tend to make my collages digitally and then see what I can do with them physically. I think because cutting elements out of landscapes can be quite difficult especially if there is small details, it does make it easier to use photoshop to do this. I do think that I should try creating a collage physically as well, I might try this with found imagery rather than with my own. I like the way that Treeces images shouldn't make sense with the different elects combined in the way that they are. However they do and they make very interesting images that seem to tell a story. My wor...


 Originally palimpsest was a page which had been written on, such a scroll or a page in a book, it had then been washed or scrubbed to get the text off so that the page could be used again. This process would be repeated multiple times to one piece of fabric, in the end there would be text on a page with marks left behind from the previous times the scroll had been used. This idea can be applied to other things such as architecture in cities. When you walk around Manchester you see lots of different styles of architecture next to each other. This is similar to the idea of palimpsest as, as new architectural styles come up they get built next to older styles. It can also be related to when brownfield sites have had buildings knocked down and new buildings built on top, or even when old buildings have been refurbished. There is a contrast with the old and new. Palimpsest is about layers and having new layers build onto of old layers. I feel as though my collages relate to this idea a...

Clay landscapes

 To test out a way of physically creating one of the landscapes I decided to use clay. I have tried clay before but this time I used a different technique. First of all I let a photo dry face down in the clay, then when I pulled the paper off the image had transferred onto the clay. This did work except the colours are quite subtle and muted, I think that if I used a photo with stronger colours then it would have left a stronger print. I am glad this technique worked. The second thing I tried was I created a sculpture similar to my collages. I had made obvious sections in the clay for the sections of the collage. I then used emulsion transfer to put the images onto the clay. i picked out sections of photos that I already had and then transferred them onto sections of the clay. I enjoy the emulsion transfer technique as the results always look really interesting. I was surprised that this didn't work as well as I though it would. However I think I will try emulsion transfer on top o...

Discussion Group Week 2 - Working Methodologies

For this task I chose to try Sylvia's method - Practicing Place. I walked around near deans gate, an area I have a view of from my window but somewhere I have not explored in great detail. I wanted to explore this area to get more of an idea about how the place was laid out. I have included some of the buildings from this area in my work before so it made sense for me to explore the area a bit more. Whilst I was there I also took notes about the weather and just general thoughts and feelings. By going to this place and taking notes and making observations, I feel as though I was able to look into the idea of perspective more. I studied the buildings up close and far away. in my work perspective doesn't matter, the scenes need to make sense but if the perspectives don't match then it doesn't matter massively. The each individual sections of my collages can have different perspectives as long as the scene mainly makes sense when it is all together.  I have enjoyed studyin...

Learning Agreement Week 1

 What is your area of interest? Landscape photography,  creating new landscapes through collage  testing different ways to present work  making sculptural and 3D work  experimenting with digital presentation - e.g. digital modelling  What do you plan to achieve? I want to push the boundaries of what is considered photography and explore the different ways in which photographs can be displayed. 5 Keywords Landscape Collage Structure Perspective Place 5 Artists/Photographers I will look into this block Jesse Treece Sarah Eisenlohr Noa Giniger Nobuhiro Nakanishi Luis Dourado