
 Originally palimpsest was a page which had been written on, such a scroll or a page in a book, it had then been washed or scrubbed to get the text off so that the page could be used again. This process would be repeated multiple times to one piece of fabric, in the end there would be text on a page with marks left behind from the previous times the scroll had been used.

This idea can be applied to other things such as architecture in cities. When you walk around Manchester you see lots of different styles of architecture next to each other. This is similar to the idea of palimpsest as, as new architectural styles come up they get built next to older styles. It can also be related to when brownfield sites have had buildings knocked down and new buildings built on top, or even when old buildings have been refurbished. There is a contrast with the old and new.

Palimpsest is about layers and having new layers build onto of old layers. I feel as though my collages relate to this idea as they are made up from various images and layers. I have taken sections of photos from different countries and times and placed them together to create a new landscape.


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