Clay landscapes

 To test out a way of physically creating one of the landscapes I decided to use clay. I have tried clay before but this time I used a different technique. First of all I let a photo dry face down in the clay, then when I pulled the paper off the image had transferred onto the clay. This did work except the colours are quite subtle and muted, I think that if I used a photo with stronger colours then it would have left a stronger print. I am glad this technique worked.

The second thing I tried was I created a sculpture similar to my collages. I had made obvious sections in the clay for the sections of the collage. I then used emulsion transfer to put the images onto the clay. i picked out sections of photos that I already had and then transferred them onto sections of the clay. I enjoy the emulsion transfer technique as the results always look really interesting. I was surprised that this didn't work as well as I though it would. However I think I will try emulsion transfer on top of what has been left behind to see what effect this creates. I think this really related to the idea of palimpsest which I am going to look into more.


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