Aliki Braine is an artist who physically manipulates her photos. The titles of her different series are: Cut & Scattered, Cut & Rotated, Folded, Stickered, Punched and Inked. She explains what she has done to each set of photos through the title of the series. Braine uses various techniques to manipulate her work, she cuts parts out of negatives then scans the cut outs and prints them. These cut outs are all circular as if they had been holed punched, she then scatters them and wherever they land is how they are laid out. In another series she cuts a circle out of the middle of the image and rotates it so that it is the other way around to the rest of the image. Although this idea seems simple the outcomes are still very interesting. In other work she creates black and white photographs from folded negatives, I really like this work, I enjoy things with physical manipulation and layers to the processes that have been involved. It changes the way that the origin...