Rachel De Joode

'A central interest of mine is the play between the physical and the virtual world, exploring the relationship between the three dimensional object and its two dimensional representation. My work is a constant play between surface, meaning, and materiality, disrupting the entanglement between these different plateaus in order to regain simplicity.' - Rachel De Joode

Rachel De Joode is another artist who combines photography and sculpture. Her work is very much installation based, to me it looks like abstract recreations of the body. The colours in her work are mainly fleshy tones. I really like how large scale her work is, the way you can walk all around it and properly appreciate it from every angle. The shapes of her work are really interesting as well some look quite human like.

I decided to look at Rachel De Joode because I want to see how other artists combine photography and sculpture, there are so many different ways to do so. Most of the artists I have looked at have turned their photos into sculptures rather than photographing sculptures or creating digital ones. I think its important for me to look at multiple ways of turning my work into something exciting and 3D.


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