
Showing posts from December, 2020

Projecting images onto clay This is the video of the projection of the images onto the clay piece. I like the way this video looks, although it was taken for documentation purposes I think it is interesting. It shows how interactive the piece is and I can imagine it being displayed. I like the idea of people being able to walk around the piece exploring it from different angles and perspectives. I think having multiple projectors could be an interesting idea to look into, although this could cause confusion within the images.  

Photographing clay

 I photographed the clay piece I made properly so that I could use a light to capture the shadows and contours in the piece. I think these turned out great. This piece of clay is really interesting for me because out of context it doesn't really make sense however when placed with everything else it fits in. I really like the images that came out of this. I like the blue shadows as well, it reminds me of land covered in snow. When you can't quite make out the contours in the land because it is all just a blanket of white. Then with the royal blue shadow it feels like the sky massively contrasting with the white of the snow or clay. I also like the way that there isn't really a correct way up for this piece, it looks good photographed from every angle.

Projecting onto Clay

 I projected some of my collages onto the clay piece I made. I was happy with how this worked. I really feel as though this adds another layer to the work. Taking these fragments of the landscape, giving the flat image another layer, making them more 3D with more of a structure. It feels as though they are becoming more of a landscape again rather than just a photo of a landscape. It also feels a lot more interactive. The images were on a slide show and changed every 10 seconds, meaning you had to readjust to what the new landscape looked like on the clay. I also moved the projector round, changing the perspective of the image on the clay. I also videoed this process, which looks like an interesting piece in itself. I like that this piece of work has multiple elements to it and it can be quite interactive, as where you stand changes the way you see the image.

Topographic Maps

 I created a clay piece to project onto. However when looking at it, I think the piece is interesting on its own. Out of context it doesn't really make sense however when placed next to landscape imagery it seems to have a whole new meaning. It looks like a topographic map, sculpting out the contours of the land. I am still going to try to project onto the clay however, I think I am going to take some photos of the culture on its own. I think it will be interesting to capture the different shadows and contours on the piece. These images could then be layered onto some of the collages to add dimension. I think that there could be a lot of interesting things that come from this sculpture.

Fragmented Landscape

 In my work I have been taking landscapes and cutting them into fragments. I have then been making them part of a whole piece again by creating collaged landscapes. However in order to present them I have then been cutting them up again and fragmenting them. This takes away the feeling of the whole landscape and shows that each part is different and on its own. Each of the sections come together to create a full landscape. However on their own they are just a section of a place, a fragment. I think it is quite interesting that I am taking one place cutting it up, creating a new place and then almost destroying it again in order to present it. In some of the images, I have taken a beach and added sky scrapers. This almost feels as though I am trying to escape to a paradise but then reality hits and I'm back in the middle of Manchester surrounded by buildings. Its like I'm trying to bring fragments of where I want to be into my everyday life.

Other Artists

A note of artists I want to look into Thibault Brunet Felicity Hammond

Photography Is Magic

I also took out the book Photography is Magic By Charlotte Cotton and this is a list of artists from the book that I really liked and I would like to look into. Lucas Blalock Michele Abeles Marina Pinsky John Lehr Jason Evans Joshua Citarella Victoria Fu Yosuke Takeda Hannah Whitaker Artie Vierkant Marten Elder Brea Souders Anthony Lepore Anne de Vries Brendan Fowler Daniel Gordon Brats Suter Florian Maier-Aichen Tay Onorato and Nico Krebs Kate Steciw

The Age Of Collage: contemporary collage in modern art

I took this book out of the library and made some notes of the artists work that I really liked and I wan too look into. John Stezaker Johanna Goodman Jesse Greece Sarah Eisenlohr Noa Ginger Luis Dourado Scott Dickson Sergi Sviatchenko Eugenia Loli Martha Rosler Matthew Buckingham Joel Lederer I have already looked into some of these artists, but this list gives me artists to look into if I ever feel as though I need new inspiration.

Physical collage

I wanted to try something different with the collages. I decided to take one a few of my collages and separate the sections out again. I then ripped up the pieces and put them into groups based on the colours in that section. I then drew out a basic landscape scene. I then filled in the sections with pieces that fit. I wasn't sure show this was going to turn out. It looks quite abstract and you can't really make out what the whole image is meant to be. I think this could work better if I maybe only collaged sections of an image rather than the whole image, for example only the sky or the sea. I want to try use this image and develop it further, I really like the texture on the paper so I might try to project onto the collage. I know that there is already colour on the page but if I use a collage that has similar colours in the same areas then it might work quite well.

Block 1 Discussion Group Work

 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 For week 3 we were asked to bring an image for analysis. I sent in this image by Robin Friend. This was my analysis Taken as if it were a beautiful scenic landscape Romanticise and beautify the damage Makes people think about how they impact the environment Lighting -Spotlight -Religious -Makes the image look like it should be in a church, religious  -Highlights the car - The car is a representation of modern life - Shows that the reason for the pollution is modern life - The way it cascades down the rubbish shows the beauty in pollution Reflection in the water -You can't escape the pollution, it is everywhere Showing pollution could be the new normal, so we may as well see it as beautiful Week 4 Week 5 This week we presented our research and ideas that were in our CP3 essays. These were my notes.