Fragmented Landscape

 In my work I have been taking landscapes and cutting them into fragments. I have then been making them part of a whole piece again by creating collaged landscapes. However in order to present them I have then been cutting them up again and fragmenting them. This takes away the feeling of the whole landscape and shows that each part is different and on its own. Each of the sections come together to create a full landscape. However on their own they are just a section of a place, a fragment. I think it is quite interesting that I am taking one place cutting it up, creating a new place and then almost destroying it again in order to present it.

In some of the images, I have taken a beach and added sky scrapers. This almost feels as though I am trying to escape to a paradise but then reality hits and I'm back in the middle of Manchester surrounded by buildings. Its like I'm trying to bring fragments of where I want to be into my everyday life.


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