Physical collage

I wanted to try something different with the collages. I decided to take one a few of my collages and separate the sections out again. I then ripped up the pieces and put them into groups based on the colours in that section. I then drew out a basic landscape scene.

I then filled in the sections with pieces that fit. I wasn't sure show this was going to turn out. It looks quite abstract and you can't really make out what the whole image is meant to be. I think this could work better if I maybe only collaged sections of an image rather than the whole image, for example only the sky or the sea.

I want to try use this image and develop it further, I really like the texture on the paper so I might try to project onto the collage. I know that there is already colour on the page but if I use a collage that has similar colours in the same areas then it might work quite well.


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