Nobuhiro Nakanishi

 Nakanishis 'Layered Drawings' are some of my favourite pieces of work. To create these amazing pieces of work he will photograph and event such as a sunset over time - he will capture the process of the event. After this the photos are places onto transparent acrylic panels and hung up in chronological order. This creates an incredible experience. It looks like you are living and walking within the event.

I think the size of the panels really helps to involve the audience and the way the audience can walk around and live through the event again and again, even if they weren't there originally. I think work that the viewer can live in is really interesting, you very much get lost on the work because you are surrounded by it. Being submerged into a past event.

Another thing I like about Nakanishis work is the colours and the light. Because the photos are on clear acrylic the light can shine through the pieces and the colours get reflected and transferred onto the room around it. Once again making it feel like you are living in the event. I think the way that this work can be produced on both small and large scale is really interesting and it changes the way you experience the work.


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