Action Plan

Outline your objective.  Where do you want to be? (Don’t be vague or general.)


I want to be confident in my work and my ability to talk about my work, more specifically the context. I want to be able to tell people why I am doing what I am doing rather than just showing them my work. I also want to continue to develop my ideas and produce an outcome that I am really happy with. I want to explore digital modelling and also ways of combining photography and sculpture, both digitally and physically. I have started to do this but I want to do it at a higher level of quality.



Where are you now?


Right now I am starting to explore more options of how I can create and display work. I am focusing on both physical and digital ways of working and continuing to look into the ideas of photography and place. Right now I am enjoying using clay and I want to continue to use this as I move forward.



How I will you get to where you want to be? What will you do next? Outline 3-5 clear steps that you will focus on to help develop your work over the next two months. Be as specific, pragmatic and clear about these steps as you can. Break large steps down into smaller, more achievable goals. Put them into chronological order.


1)    Explore digital modelling software

2)    Research more into contextual ideas: photography and place, landscape photography, photography and collage, structure/sculpture

3)    Explore clay work – how to physically put photos onto clay so that they are clear

4)    Looking into more physical elements – what other materials I can use to bring my collages to life



What problems might you encounter? How will you deal with these?

Not being able to use university facilities. For example I would like to look into ceramics in order to be able to put photos onto clay however if this is not possible then I will look into techniques I can do at home. Also if I wanted to use clear acrylic for something when I start to look into more physical techniques I can start off by using acetate. Another issue I may have is with the new modelling software I have however there is plenty of tutorials online that I can look at and I know that there are people within the University that I can contact for help.




How will you know that you have achieved your individual steps/goal?

When I feel happy with what I have achieved, if I think I can’t take my ideas any further. Right now within this project I feel as though I have achieved everything I set out to do because I am happy with what I have created and I know that despite not being able to digital modelling I have explored the other ideas to the best I think I could. I think in terms of research there isn’t really an end goal I just want to continue expanding my knowledge on the subject area.





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