
 Why am I creating these collages, what do I want to get out of it. What is the purpose for this.

I enjoy creating these collages because I like to see what new places I can make, its almost like playing god. I am more interested in process and making things than just taking photos. This idea allows me to take something and change it into something completely new.

It's interesting to me how so many photos from so many different places around the world can come together to create a place that looks so real.

I enjoy experimenting, trying to push the boundaries of what is actually considered photography.

The presentation of my work is also a big thing for me. I enjoy exploring how I can present my work how I can make it as interesting as possible, rather than just presenting flat images. I want to turn my work into something more than just a photo or a collage. I want it to be an experience for people to be submerged in my work in my ideas. 

I think the main reason I am doing this is because I enjoy it.

I enjoy making these landscapes, I think because I've always felt my work has never been good enough, no one has ever come up to me and gone wow thats a really good photo. I think for me this is my way of showing yes I can do photography, it may not be traditional and what you would expect but it is still photography. 

I think that the way some of my landscapes are quite realistic and others are slightly more abstracts shows two different sides to this work. It shows the creating perfection finding a utopia but then the abstract shows the art and process and techniques.

I feel like in a way instead of taking good photographs I am creating them.

I want people to see my work and be like wow these landscapes are really picturesque, I want them to want to visit the places. 

I think in a way I'm creating my own utopia, I'm creating the landscapes that I want to see sometimes they aren't just rural places I like adding in urban areas to create a more diverse range of work.


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