Luis Dourado

 Luis Durado is an artist who works with collage and photo manipulation. He uses a mix of p=both physical and digital techniques, his work is surrealism and his photos feel like you're in a dream land. The main series of  his work I am interested in are called Departure, The Garden and Maps. Although I love his collages in his work Into Space, I think the other three series relate more to my work.

In Departure Durado takes a landscape image and manipulates it. He takes a shape in the middle of the photo and rotates it so it is a different way round to the rest, he then repeats this process inside the area he has just rotated. In the end he is left with a muddled up landscape. I like these images because you can tell they are landscapes but you will never really know exactly what that landscape looks like. I like the way that he has only used one image and has come out with such a mesmerising image, he has almost created a collage of the image using only the image.

In his series The Garden Durado uses a similar technique to the pervious series however this time he uses multiple images of flowers and plants. These collages are quite hypnotic and almost look like wall paper with some of the repeat patterns. I feel like by only having sections of plants to look at rather than the whole image, it makes you focus on the detail in each part. 

His series Maps is similar again however this time the process is done with maps. I like this work because I feel like the images flow better, it isn't as sectioned as the others. The rotated sections seem to flow into each other, because of the minimal colours. I think its interesting that he is changing places on paper but not in real life, it feels like he is doing something similar to the ideas behind my work, taking places and changing them. he is changing them within itself where as I am changing places by mixing them with other places.


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