Comparing work

 It feels as though I have a few different types of work, but all of them are based around the collages. It feels as though the main point of my work was to explore how to present it. However I feel like recently this has changed slightly through using clay. In a way it feels to have become more about representing landscapes.

When I first started this I was taking fragments of places and then putting them together to create a whole pice however I was then fragmenting them again to re present them as a whole landscape. Showing that there was a relationship between the sections but also showing that they were in fact fragments of places.

With the plain clay piece that resembled a topographical map in a way, it felt like this still reflected the idea of representing landscapes and making new ones. All this was was a piece of clay moulded so it had depth and contours and different levels, by placing it within this project it gave it meaning. It gave it context. This then allows the viewer to view the clay as a landscape in their own way. It is almost like they see that and then create their own vision of what a landscape could look like. With the clay being surrounded by other landscapes it brings meaning to the piece and allows or another way to view landscapes. It is a constructed landscape just without colour and detail.

Combining the elements of the collage and the clay allowed me to add depth to the collages, taking these flat images and adding structure to them, without separating every part. Rather than looking at small fragments of places it looks like we are seeing a fragment of a larger place. The clay is a subtle nod towards the fact that we are in fact looking at fragments rather than a whole piece. As opposed to it being shown to you as fragments. It reminds me of a magnet that you would pick up from a souvenir shop to remind you of the place you have just visited.

These collages bring a sense of adventure to me, they show where I would like to be right now, as opposed to where I am. It feels like I am bringing a sense of other places into my life. It feels like a small subtle reminder that hopefully it won't be too long before I am back in another country exploring different landscapes. These clay collages, although they're digital, seem to be a reminder of this.


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