Digital Portfolio

My practise is about creating a utopia and a new way of looking at landscapes. I want to make people question what they are looking at and give them a new perspective of the landscapes that surround them. My practice is about taking photography out of its natural flat image form and turning it into something more, pushing the boundaries of what is considered photography and making people appreciate the processes behind the work. Taking an image and representing it in ways that the subject can seen.

These are collages of landscapes from all around the world collaged to create a new place. I really like this work and I think the contrast between the urban and rural aspects works really well.

This photo is of a cut up collaged arranged so that you can view it perfectly from certain angles. I did this by just using paper rather than lots of materials.

These two images were created by projecting collages onto wall paper that was moulded into shapes to create a rough texture. I did this to replicate the textures of a mountain landscape. I really like these images and I think there is definitely potential in these images.

Again this photo is of a cut up collage however this time I hung it from the ceiling so that you could see it from different perspectives. I really like how this only lines up perfectly from certain angles.

These last two images are hard to understand without seeing the physically. For these I look the collage then removed one section every time and kept layering the others on top to create a 3D effect so each layer came out further than the last. I think this was the simplest way to achieve my initial ideas.


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