Sarah Eyre

Sarah Eyre is a photographer who mainly focuses on gender, identity and the female body. A lot of her work is based around wigs. I really like the photos that she has taken on this topic and then the written piece that goes along side it makes it even more interesting. At first glance her photos seem slightly abstract, you can't tell exactly what they are straight away. They look like interesting sculptures that have been created and then photographed. She photographed wigs and then collages them to make sculpture like images

Eyre also created a series called 'Lady Lane' which again runs with the theme of wigs but this time there is more collage involved and also animation. I really like collages because I think that you can create really interesting outcomes, it gives photos more of a flat look, taking the depth out of them. I really like this series, I like that the collages have a mix of black and white and colour images and they're quite abstract, they don't really make sense but they look really good.

One of her most recent series is called 'Collage 2020' Eyre explains that this is the work that she has been creating in lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic. The collages are different to her previous ones, she said that she has been looking at incorporating shadows, trying to lead away from the flat 2D feel of collages and making them more 3D. Layering images and playing with shadows to change the feel of the images.

I really like Eyers work, the ideas behind what she is doing are really interesting to read about and I think the collages look great. I like that with her new work she is testing out adding shadows to create more 'realistic' images and the way she has turned some of her collages into animations. I think collages are really fun to make and the outcomes are always different, it is also interesting to see what you can do with them after that.


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