Book Project Review

For the book project I once again focused on landscapes. The photos I used I had taken when I was travelling around New Zealand. I took them all on 35mm colour film and went to get them developed so I could have each photo physically in front of me. I then also scanned very image in so i had both a physical and digital version. I enjoyed this because it meant i could physically move the photos about and put them next to each other where i wanted. All of the horizons in the photos matched up pretty well so I could place them next to each other and the photo would carry on. In this project I knew I wanted to push the boundaries of what a book was, I had a few ideas but ended up creating 'fortune teller' or 'chatter box' folded structure. Then for the images I turned the into repeat patterns. This pattern combined with the folds of the paper turned the images unto something quite interesting. These patters reminded me of kaleidoscopes and I personally think they were quit...